Trials and tribulations

IT’S not always easy working on a shoestring budget. If you’re like me and looking to save some dollars, managing your own website probably sounds like a good option. And it can be, if you know what you’re doing.

Unfortunately, even though I’d call myself fairly computer savvy, sometimes I really just don’t understand what’s going on at the back end of my site. It’s fine when things are working, but once I start having problems, I just seem to spend hours trying to sort them out, often with no resolution. Then, in total frustration, I tend to ignore them for a few days (or even weeks) until I’m ready to have another go, or I hear back from tech support.

This has been the case for the past few weeks for my website, – and another one I’m trying to develop and launch, but we’ll stick with this one for now as the problems are pretty much the same.

Finally, after much sighing, cursing, and eye-rolling, I think I’ve got it figured out for the moment (thanks to tech support at and I’m happy to say I’m loving my new site (which was definitely not the case yesterday).

It will always be a work in progress, but for now I’m content that it’s looking the part and hopefully doing it’s job.

I’ve opted to transfer to WordPress, which I’ve been using to run my other blog for over 12 months. Generally it’s an easy option, and it sure loads a lot faster than my former sitebuilder, Wix. Wix wasn’t bad visually, and it was also easy to get the hang of, but at the other end it was slow to load and, let’s face it, who wants to hang around waiting for a page to load. Me either.

Anyway, now I’m at a point where I’m happy to share it with the world (and it’s possible to share it with the world), I will sleep a little better and move on to the next one…


If you have any tips for web building, or frustrations, I’d love to see your comments below.